Experience the joy of serving!

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." I Peter 4:10

God has uniquely equipped every person with specific skills and gifts. Be part of what God is doing at Momentum Church by volunteering yours.

Volunteering is a great way to get connected and serve Jesus and others. You may participate on a Ministry Team (see below) or choose to help with a one-time event.

Do you like to bake or cook? We have regular and special events where those skills are needed.

  • Weekly coffee service on Sundays, which sometimes includes treats.
  • Wednesday night meals.
  • Holiday breakfasts, brunches, or barbecues.
  • Bimonthly area leader's dinner.

Or perhaps you'd like serving in another way at a specific event.

Annual events have included: Spring Cleaning, Easter breakfast, Easter egg hunts, Mother's Day brunch, Father's Day barbecue, Fourth of July Block Party, Trunk or Treat.

That could include: planning and organization, set up or clean up, decorations, advertising, technical help, or...

Let us know your skills and gifts, or that you are willing to give a hand where needed.

Contact us at info@mmntm.church or talk to one of our leaders about opportunities.


For more information on any of our ministry teams, click on the links below.



Building Enhancement


Sharing House (for those in community who are in need)

Quilting (for Adult and Teen Challenge)

Prayer Team - click on the link to sign up