In-Person Gatherings

The majority of churches in the U.S. are what is often called the proclamation model, where you sing, give, hear someone speak, and respond. This method has been around for the last 500 years and is how many of us have moved toward Jesus. This is what we would call our Sunday morning service.

We find our Wednesday night ministries are effective among our students. It's a space where kids can invite their friends to move toward Jesus. Over the last few years we have seen God use this strategy to move people toward Jesus in many ways.

Our students have experienced a large amount of growth and are in need of a new facility. That has caused the leadership team to begin the process of building a Student Center and Gathering Space.

We are also in process on a clear entrance facing our two very large parking lots. This open foyer creates an additional space to gather before and after services. Plus, it's a place to register your children.

Here is how you can be a go-er:

  1. Go in prayer. Pray for the team, as well as the ministry partners of Momentum Church, as continue these two building projects.
  2. Go by giving. We have funds to use for these projects, however, if you would like the opportunity to invest in them, you can put “building” in the memo line of a donation or specify using one of the giving envelopes.
  3. Go by going. Serve in one of our amazing ministry teams. We can always use volunteers.
Student Center / Gathering Space

This strategy is simply a place where the public has an opportunity to gather; it’s an open door for connections, relationships, and life. Our hope at Momentum is to use this space as an opportunity to move those who don’t attend and are not attending toward Jesus. In Hebrews we see the picture of in-person gatherings as something that is intentional, targeted, and hopeful.

Three ways you can be involved: We are Go-ers.

  1. Go by praying. Pray for the student center and gathering space team.
  2. Go by giving. Help by donating to the student center and gathering space.
  3. Go in going. Serve on the team to plan and build our new student center and gathering space. We need insight. We need team members who are great at planning and have construction know how. We also need people who may have connections to help this dream become a reality.
Online Church

Jesus and the Apostles gave us a great example of what it looks like to move people towards Jesus.  Their model said “Go where the people are.”  In the 21st century the average young person will spend almost 50 days of every year engaging with social media!  That’s 3 hours of surfing per day!  This is one place where the people are in today’s culture, so how can we not take the gospel to them?  At Momentum Church we want to go beyond a weekly livestream, we want to create relationships, community, and discipleship all in a digital world.  

3 ways you can be involved: We are go-ers

    1. Attend and Engage - Let us know when you show up to our online campus. Tell us about your week and how we can be praying for you.  Reach out throughout the week--we have pastors waiting to walk with you as you follow Jesus.  
    2. GO in Giving - Give - At Momentum Church we believe in the biblical call to give to our local church.  If you call Momentum Church your home, please consider supporting our ministry financially.  You can do this by putting money in the offering on Sundays, mailing a check to the church, or giving online.
    3. GO in Going - Serve - Even though we are a “Digital Campus” we have several ways that you can be involved. Serve on the Digital Team. Become a greeter by chatting with guests who join us, and/or become a prayer partner by joining our Prayer Team. As we continue to grow, we will have opportunities to lead digital small groups, and write for our blog and website. 
Dinner Church

We are living in a post-Christian culture now, where people with a secular worldview outnumber those with a Judeo-Christian worldview (2 to 1 in most zip codes in America.) Research shows that 60% of people will never come to a traditional church setting as we know it, but many would venture into a Dinner Church setting.

Dinner Church is an expression of the Church that looks back at the earliest church model in the Bible to reach these people who are uncomfortable darkening our regular church building doors. Unlike an outreach or a simple homeless feed, a Dinner Church is a fully-functioning church body that meets all the scriptural purposes of the Church: worship, fellowship, discipleship, evangelism, and compassion. It does this by regularly bringing people of all ages and backgrounds together over a meal, to hear a message focused on the life and teachings of Jesus, and to have the opportunity to talk and pray together.  Jesus modeled this strategy for us in the gospels, where He spent much of His time teaching and healing at table, eating meals with “the least of these,” the sinners and the outcasts. The early believers in Acts continued this model as they gathered on a regular basis to break bread, fellowship and pray. 

We would like to plant a Dinner Church in the community of Colville, in a location where there are not many (or any) churches established yet.

How can you be involved? Be a “go-er:”

  1. Go by Praying - Pray for the Dinner Church team, for the details to come together, for a location, for the community of Colville, and the people that will one day be coming to our Dinner Church. (Consider going on a prayer walk or drive, through different areas of Colville that you might not be familiar with, and see what God might be speaking to you about in those areas.)
  2. Go by Giving - While Dinner Church is not the most expensive type of church to plant, there are costs involved - for a location, supplies, and eventually food! Consider being a part by supporting our ministry financially. You can give to Momentum Church here online, through the mail, or in person.
  3. Go by Going - A Dinner Church needs people to function effectively! We will need a team of people to cook and serve meals, set up and clean up, sit with and talk to guests during the meal, and lots more. If this is an opportunity you feel God is nudging you to be a part of, let us know so we can find a place for you!